தெய்வீக குணமளிக்கும் இயேசு துறவுறசபை பற்றிய விபரணம்
To Reach out to the world, Heal the world and Lead the World to Jesus, with the Bible and Catholic Church
Either to be a SAINT or a MARTYR.
Founder & Director: Rev. Fr. A. Joseph Victor JDH
Address: Jesus the Divine Healer Retreat House
Divine Healer Nagar
Viralipatty, Thavasimedai P.O.
Dindigul -- 624 304. Tamilnadu. India.
Email Id: fr.josephvictor@gmail.com, jdhinfo10@gmail.com
Contact:+91 9840510553, +91 94871 89668, +91 94434 52753